1.4. Installing MedeA on Windows with the Windows Installer
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1.4.1. Introduction
With the Windows installer, you can choose to install just the graphical user interface (GUI), just the computing backend (JobServer and TaskServer), or a fully working configuration containing all three components: GUI, JobServer, and TaskServer (MedeA platform).
This section is for a fresh and new installation of MedeA 3.7 on Windows using MedeAInstaller3.7.0.exe. For updating an existing MedeA version to 3.7, please see the Section Update Existing MedeA.
The Windows installer can be placed on a network drive to deploy MedeA on multiple machines. Additional databases and an existing license file in the same directory will be used and included in the installation path. One requirement is that the installation drive must be SQLite-compatible.
The Windows Installer includes only the COD database. If you would like to install other licensed databases (ICSD, Pearson, NCD, and MSI Phase diagrams) at the same time, you can download these databases from http://update.materialsdesign.com/db using your Materials Design account and place them in the same directory as the Windows Installer. Alternatively, you can install MedeA from an ISO image which includes more database files. Please see Section Installation from ISO for details.
1.4.2. Installation Process
It is necessary to have administrative rights to keep the computing backend (JobServer and TaskServer) running as services. This allows you to log off the machine, but have calculations continue to progress. If you don’t have administrative rights, you can still start the JobServer and TaskServer manually after installation.
Right-click on the file MedeAInstaller3.7.0.exe and select Run as administrator

The installer is signed and verified to be from Materials Design, Inc.

The next step is to select an installation directory:

MedeA 3.7 can be installed in directories containing spaces and special characters, e.g.,
C:\Program Files (x86)
Then you can choose between the components to install: MedeA 3.7.0 Platform that includes all three components: GUI, JobServer, and TaskServer. Alternatively, you can only install the GUI via the MedeA 3.7.0 GUI option. The last option is to install only the JobServer / TaskServer to run in the background. Let’s select MedeA 3.7.0 Platform and click Next.

The next two steps ask whether to create the shortcuts (Start Menu) and desktop shortcuts:

The installer is created to install:

Click Install and the installation begins:

If a warning on smpd.exe, the Intel Process Manager, occurs, click OK to ignore as this will be installed by the JobServer / TaskServer installation.
As the installer attempts to install the JobServer and the TaskServer, ports 32000 and 23000 need to be opened for internal communications. As such, click Allow access through the Windows Defender Firewall:

Installation is complete, and click Finish to launch MedeA:

Upon opening MedeA for the first time after its installation, a license request window appears:

Please click the Copy button and send the license parameters to support@materialsdesign.com. Once a license file license.txt is received, place it in C:\MD and restart MedeA.
The JobServer has been installed during the process. Open a web browser and point to http://localhost:32000 to access the JobServer:

When installing without administrative rights, a local JobServer and TaskServer are launched. Keep in mind that you need to start them from the Start menu, once you log back into the machine.
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