Listing of Directory /Files/593/

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db.backup                  124772 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:52:58
final.sci                   15160 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:05:29
INCAR                        1236 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:42
initial.sci                 15053 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:05:29
iterations/                       dir    Sep 27, 2024 07:54:42
Job.out                      3815 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:40
KPOINTS                        46 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:42
neb0_image00.sci            15029 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:05:29
neb0_image00_CONTCAR          447 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:38
neb0_image00_EIGENVAL         449 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:38
neb0_image00_ERROR.out     102555 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:38
neb0_image00_IBZKPT           445 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:38
neb0_image00_INCAR            443 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:38
neb0_image00_OSZICAR.out      447 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:38
neb0_image00_OUTCAR.out       445 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:38
neb0_image00_stdout           340 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:37
neb0_image00_VASP.out      292677 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:38
neb0_image01.sci            16495 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:40
neb0_image01_initial.sci    16495 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:40
neb0_image02.sci            16000 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:41
neb0_image02_initial.sci    16000 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:41
neb0_image03.sci            16465 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:41
neb0_image03_initial.sci    16465 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:41
neb0_image04.sci            15969 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:41
neb0_image04_initial.sci    15969 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:42
neb0_image05.sci            16531 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:42
neb0_image05_initial.sci    16531 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:42
neb0_image06.sci            16535 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:05:30
neb0_image06_CONTCAR          447 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:39
neb0_image06_EIGENVAL         449 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:39
neb0_image06_ERROR.out      79031 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:39
neb0_image06_IBZKPT           445 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:39
neb0_image06_INCAR            443 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:39
neb0_image06_OSZICAR.out      447 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:39
neb0_image06_OUTCAR.out       445 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:39
neb0_image06_stdout           340 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:39
neb0_image06_VASP.out      291039 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:39
POSCAR                       4685 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:42
POTCAR                     792810 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:42
restart.dat                   260 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:42
script                       2449 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:54:42
script.tcl                   3763 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 07:05:20