Show all jobs meeting these criteria:

user is (use the ctrl-key to select multiple users)
status is
queue is
between and   help
name is like ('_' matches any single character; '%', 0 or more characters)
job number is between and
and show no more than
2025-03-09 04:02:18
JobUserQueuePriorityNameStatusTime SubmittedTime StartedTime Finished
780LAMM-11chem-25 TiO2_Rutfinished2025-03-04 19:07:162025-03-04 19:07:172025-03-04 21:55:41
779LAMM-11chem-25TiO2_Anafinished2025-03-04 19:04:252025-03-04 19:04:262025-03-04 21:13:27
778LAMM-11chem-25 Layer_conf1_M_B_hsrunning2025-03-03 11:54:592025-03-03 11:55:000000-00-00 00:00:00
777LAMM-11chem-25Layer_conf1_W_B_initialfinished2025-02-18 14:48:322025-02-18 14:48:332025-02-18 15:21:02
776LAMM-11chem-25 heter_biocl_ws2finished2025-02-18 09:22:162025-02-18 09:22:172025-02-20 06:40:17

Terminate jobs. This keeps the job but stops it running, and tries to stop all tasks.
Hold jobs so they don't run or at least start more tasks:
Restart a job in the middle or at the beginning:
Change how the selected jobs run:
Create a zip file for each selected jobs:
Browse zipped Jobs