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user is (use the ctrl-key to select multiple users)
status is
queue is
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name is like ('_' matches any single character; '%', 0 or more characters)
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2024-09-28 14:11:47
JobUserQueuePriorityNameStatusTime SubmittedTime StartedTime Finished
596LAMM-11chem-25 Bi2WO6_1_hbrunning2024-09-27 18:15:352024-09-27 18:15:350000-00-00 00:00:00
595LAMM-11chem-25 buLK5_FeWO4_001_2L_optrunning2024-09-27 12:06:582024-09-27 12:06:580000-00-00 00:00:00
594LAMM-11chem-25 Bi2WO6_1_spfinished2024-09-27 11:50:132024-09-27 11:50:132024-09-27 16:48:15
593LAMM-Vaspchem-25M564-TS1-soek_(4940072_SO2_t_3991047)_se_TS1terminated2024-09-27 07:05:192024-09-27 07:05:200000-00-00 00:00:00
592LAMM-11chem-25Bi2WO6_1_optfinished2024-09-26 22:01:002024-09-26 22:01:012024-09-27 00:21:17

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