Status for 777: Layer_conf1_W_B_initial

Status: finished



Results for directory Job777 /Stage_1

Available Results in ./Stage_1

Available Output Files in ./Stage_1

ATOMS ERROR.out2.1 kBas plain text
ATOMS OSZICAR.out234 Bas plain text
ATOMS OUTCAR.out102.2 kBas plain text
ATOMS VASP.out60.8 kBas plain text
ERROR.out2.1 kBas plain text
OSZICAR.out651 Bas plain text
OUTCAR.out102.7 kBas plain text
VASP.out62.5 kBas plain text

Other Files in ./Stage_1 (caution: may be binary!)

ATOMS CHGCAR112.0 MBas plain text
ATOMS CONTCAR5.5 kBas plain text
ATOMS EIGENVAL46.7 kBas plain text
ATOMS IBZKPT432 Bas plain text
ATOMS INCAR701 Bas plain text
ATOMS KPOINTS55 Bas plain text
ATOMS POSCAR3.0 kBas plain text
ATOMS PROCAR2.1 MBas plain text
ATOMS script2.4 kBas plain text
ATOMS stdout1.6 kBas plain text
CHGCAR112.0 MBas plain text
CONTCAR5.5 kBas plain text
EIGENVAL46.7 kBas plain text
IBZKPT432 Bas plain text
INCAR718 Bas plain text
Job.warnings206 Bas plain text
Job.xml3.7 kBas plain text
KPOINTS55 Bas plain text
POSCAR3.0 kBas plain text
POTCAR439.5 kBas plain text
PROCAR2.1 MBas plain text
initial.sci7.2 kBas plain text
script2.4 kBas plain text
stdout1.6 kBas plain text

Follow this link for direct access to the directory, which is useful for downloading files